I made this by animation on Photoshop by changing the DPI to 72 and exporting this Photoshop document to render video and then making it a quick time movie. First, I took nineteen pictures of various clocks in motion at different times of the day. Then I opened each photo into a Photoshop document and changed the background layer to layer 0. I deleted the pixels that I didn't need by using the polygon lasso tool, rectangular and circular tools, and also the eraser. When I was done with the deleting the extra pixels, I duplicated the layer into a new document. These documents consisted of 2500 by 2500 pixels, 300 DPI, and gray scale. Then I selected all and went to edit and hit the define paint brush. Next, I opened a new document on U.S. paper that was 11 x 8.5 on RGB. I started on my first layer using one color and only one paintbrush. This painting is using the neighboring colors of blue and green, but with a wide variety of different tones between these two colors. Some layers varied between light and dark and also being completely covered to only having one stamp. I made an extra layer for the title, "Tik Tok Around the Clock." When I was done with all twenty layers, I arranged the different layers until I was satisfied with this image. I arranged this image this way so that people could see the various clocks that I used. I am controlling the viewer's eye by using contrasting colors next to one another that make them stick out more especially with the white and black objects. This is an animation of various still clocks. The title of my animation is "Tik Tok" because the term tick tock represents a clock in motion whereas I only have still pictures of clocks. This helps give more insight to the animation that these were all pictures of clocks that were in motion as one point in time. Each clock has a different time on it that represents the clock "tick tocking away."